The Secret to Getting Signed to a Record Label

The Secret to Getting Signed to a Record Label
I really hate that I had to give this article that title, but I had to get your attention. I just have to spread the truth. The secret to getting signed does not exist because there is no secret. There, I said it and I meant it. There is no special secret. It is all about the numbers. You just have to get enough people listening to your music at roughly the same time, and those people have to like, talk, share and buy your music. There is no secret. You can either do it by yourself, or you can find someone with enough power, money or time to do it for you. It doesn't have to be a label; it can be any person or organization that can get the job done. There is no secret formula. All you need is talent, hard work, and most importantly, intelligence.
So What Should I Do?
Well, I could run off a whole list of ideas that you could try, but that would not help you very much because you can get that information anywhere. Just because someone gives you ideas does not mean that those ideas will work for you. The purpose of this article is not to give you a list to memorize, but to increase your intellect and way of thinking.
You should sit down in a quiet room and think to yourself, “What is it that I do well?” For example, if you do not have a very large budget, don’t plan to give out thousands of free CDs. If you do not have access to a computer, don’t plan to take over the internet with advertising. Find out what it is that you can do well and do it as much as possible. Always think of how your efforts can make the biggest imprint on your fans.
Don’t Be Afraid to Network Big!
That means that networking to your local radio stations and PR people are fine, but don’t be afraid to go after some big names. Be daring! Don’t sell yourself short! Try to skip straight to the top and get the attention of some big names. You may not get their attention immediately, but in time you may get lucky. If you keep trying they may see that you are serious.
Be Professional!
Please be professional. When you get a chance to meet with people that can further your career; be professional. Tell them exactly what it is that you want, how it can benefit them and how it will benefit you. Don’t be afraid to believe that you are worth their time. Be prepared to give them a sample of your talent if they ask.
Be Creative!
Try to be creative in all your promotion ventures. You have to catch the eye of the VIP people as well as your fans. Always think to yourself, “How can I put my own unique spin on this?” You must stand out and build a brand that is yours and yours alone. Make them want to know what is going on in your world.
Spend Money!
You have to spend money. Spend is wisely but spend it none the less. You can’t be cheap in this business or you will get cheap return. You cannot get there for free. Invest in something that will get you closer to your goal and get you noticed, rather it be locally or nationally. Get noticed!
Have Persistence!
Be persistent! You have to be determined to be noticed for your talent. You may have to knock on some doors five times. You may have to go back to the drawing board several times. You may have to work many hours, but you must out work the competition and out think your obstacles.
Have Good Music.
There is nothing to say about that. That is obvious.
"By Kelvin Butler"
Kelvin Butler is the author of this blog. He also is part owner of KBJ, a website that caters to the working class musician by offering affordable services in cd duplication, cd mastering, graphic design and more. Learn about his very affordable cd duplication offers at


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